Technical guide: 1992/93.


In November 1991, FILMOGRAFO decided to organize a rostrum camera training course, and they enabled me to fulfil a wish of my own,
which was to share my knowledge.
In February 1992, I started work on this book, which was intended to be not only a manual for the training course, but also a reference work.

It describes the set-up, operation and use of the animation stand & the rostrum camera.

Its purpose is to familiarize operators with the most basic knowledge, and introduce them to the unavoidable technical constraints,
as well as teaching them the tricks of rostrum camera work.
I would like to stress the constant alertness and concentration which are required to succeed in this job. The operator must devote particular
attention to the documents which he is given for the shooting, because the quality of a shot also depends on the stages leading up to it.
This book offers animators the opportunity to grasp the essentials of the operator's jargon and the possibilities of the rostrum camera.
The emphasis is placed on the importance of the animator expressing his wishes through the various documents in the most clearly comprehensible
manner, so as to maintain the quality of his work, right up the moment of shooting.

Throughout the chapters, there is repetition, as in the animation field, of the many components which go to make up the qualities
and versatility of a worker within a production team.
Whether you are a coloring artist, an animator or an operator, you will particularly notice the points which deserve your attention.
First and foremost, reading this book will give you precise information, and you will know more about the rostrum camera than many professionals.
I have also included some of the finer points which determine the beauty or effectiveness of a movement, and certain tricks of the trade
which have already proved their worth in my work as an operator and director.

This book is also a compilation which I use personally as a reference work, and it is aimed at newcomers to the animation profession,
who would like to learn more than their own job.

Martin Koscielniak May 1993