in Brussels, on November 6th 1962
We are far here from small Mickey, Asterix or other creatures come
out of a drawn and imaginary world. Martin Koscielniak belongs to
another generation. The one that do not create images but work on
pre-existing images and sounds, re-inspected, re-appropriated from
which he proposes "film-jacking". Effective images and sounds.
He circulates with virtuosity in the quotation and the reference.
In his commercial interventions, impossible
not to think to Warhol and to all the children of the "pop generation".
He summons always the visual gag and the plastic arts.
In his more personal interventions - "Tiny Sun-bathers",
"Poles", "Eden", "Oh Sugar", "Bourré-Bourré
" - he appeals to the same glamour aesthetic, what does not exclude
either the subversive or grating it.
In less than three minutes, it balances a visual universe, either
very encoded, recognizable (the propaganda film, the Hollywood universe,
the postal cards kitsch, etc.) that insidiously messes up, bring an
emotion or an unexpected disquiet...
Jacqueline Aubenas
(from the book "History of Belgian animated films")
... We are far here from small Mickey, Asterix or other creatures come out of a drawn and imaginary world.
Martin Koscielniak belongs to another generation.
The one that do not create images but work on pre-existing images and sounds, re-inspected,
re-appropriated from which he proposes "film-jacking". Effective images and sounds.
He circulates with virtuosity in the quotation and the reference.
In his commercial interventions, impossible not to think to Warhol and to all the children of the "pop generation".
He summons always the visual gag and the plastic arts.
In his more personal interventions - "Tiny Sun-bathers", "Poles", "Eden", "Oh Sugar", "Bourré-Bourré " -
he appeals to the same glamour aesthetic, what does not exclude either the subversive or grating it.
In less than three minutes, it balances a visual universe, either very encoded, recognizable
(the propaganda film, the Hollywood universe, the postal cards kitsch, etc.) that insidiously messes up,
bring an emotion or an unexpected disquiet...
Jacqueline Aubenas
(from the book "History of Belgian animated films")